
Final Cut Pro Radio - The BEST Final Cut Pro Professionals from around the Globe

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FCPRadio 153

Happy FCP 11 New Year with Cirina, Brad, Philip and Bret

Final Cut Pro 11, Bugs, Transcribe to Captions, BRAW in FCP11, Bug fix, Mac mini Pro, Gamma shift, move one pixel in the Viewer, Brads donuts, Apple Spaceship Campus, FCP Creative Summit 2024, FCP Team and lots more!

FCPRadio 152

Year 10 of Final Cut Pro Radio. 2 Millions+ podcast downloads

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©2025 Richard Taylor

RSS feed  https://FCPRadio.com/FCPRadio.xml

FCPRadio 151

FCPRadio 152 FCP Creative Summit, Apple Mac event with an Upcoming version of Final Cut Pro with an all-star cast from last year's Creative Summit Expo. Steve Martin, Mark Spencer, Cirina Catania, Brad Olsen, Dylan Bates the Final Cut Bro, Chuck Braverman, Sam Mestman, Chris Hocking, Michael Yanovich and Iain Anderson

FCPRadio 151 Final Cut Pro Radio, The iPhone 16 Pro Max, the Final Cut Pro Creative Summit, the return to the Juniper Hotel in Cupertino, the enhanced magnetic timeline, DaVinci Resolve, Text based editing and lots more.

FCPRadio 150 LumaFusion with Terry Morgan and Chris Demiris  plus Final Cut Pro chat  Ai, Ai and more AI, The return to the Juniper Hotel in Cupertino California for the Final Cut Pro Creative Summit, enhanced magnetic timeline, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut iPad, Text based editing, subscriptions, Final Cut Pro Team and lots more.

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